Divine Downloads: Healing Through Trauma
About Divine Downloads: Healing Through Trauma
This book came about as a process of me sharing my morning downloads from God, random thoughts and feelings.
I usually received these downloads during my morning prayer time.
I've always talked to God, and as I went through an emotionally tumultuous time in my life, I turned even more so to Spirit, Divine energy, and wrote down whatever came to me.
I shared my thoughts on love, trauma, strength, hope, release and being able to be where you are.
These downloads were healing for me, as I worked through my emotions.
They helped me to see my strength, my truth, my humanity and to learn acceptance.
Divine Downloads: Transforming Through Trauma provides food for thought, in the form of quotes, journal pages and reflective questions to inspire you. My hope is that gift transforms you too.
Purchase an autographed copy of Divine Downloads: Transforming Through Healing below!

To book Maimah for a speaking engagement email info@maimahkarmo.com.
To set up a journal get together with Maimah and girlfriends. Email tania@maimahkarmo.com for more information.